Vitamin C in Florida Oranges May Help Shorten Colds

Vitamin C in Florida OrangesIt happens every fall. As soon as the temperature starts dropping, noses start to run. Everywhere you go you're greeted by a symphony of sniffling, sneezing and coughing. Cold season has begun, and it's probably just a matter of time before you'll be reaching for the tissues too.

There is no cure for the common cold. Colds are caused by viruses that are not only incredibly prolific; they mutate rapidly, forming new strains and complicating the search for a cure. Many different viruses can produce cold symptoms, but the biggest offenders are rhinoviruses (from the Greek word for nose).

While the idea that vitamin C can prevent colds has been around for a long time, medical research has failed to validate the claim. However, a 2004 study by Australian researchers did indicate that a daily dose of vitamin C could reduce cold duration by 10% for adults and 15% for children. While 10% might not seem like much, when you're suffering from a cold, one less day of misery is a blessing.

Florida citrus fruit, including oranges, grapefruit and tangerines, is rich in vitamin C and recommended as part of a healthy diet. To maximize the amount of vitamin C you obtain from food, the National Institutes of Health recommend eating plenty of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. To save 10% off Florida Orange citrus orders, enter the coupon code "blog" at checkout. Florida citrus fruit starts shipping in November, so place your order today!

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