What Makes Red Florida Citrus Fruit Red?

ruby red grapefruit 


 With flesh that is a surprising juicy red, Florida scarlet navel oranges and Florida ruby red grapefruit are delightful anomalies that give the Florida citrus market extra tang. Varying in color from light pink to blood red, red varieties of Florida citrus fruit get their scarlet hue from either anthocyanins or lycopene, natural pigments that are common in many flowers, vegetables and fruit but extremely rare in citrus fruit.

Red Florida citrus fruit are seedless, very juicy and somewhat sweeter than their normally-colored cousins. Red navel oranges, often called ravels, have a bright red flesh that is particularly sweet, juicy and flavorful. This unique Florida citrus fruit is only available in November and December, its short season making Florida scarlet navel oranges a special — and appropriately colored — treat during the holidays.

Fortunately,  Florida ruby red grapefruit has a much longer season. Florida citrus fans can enjoy the juicy sweetness of these delicious ruby-fleshed grapefruit from November through May. Sweeter than ordinary white grapefruit, Florida ruby reds have a pleasing raspberry-like tang that has earned this delicious Florida citrus fruit a dedicated fan club.

Florida scarlet navel oranges and Florida ruby red grapefruit can be ordered now for shipping in mid-November. Stock up on delicious Florida citrus fruit and citrus products before the holidays.

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