Surprise Your Holiday Hostess with Florida Citrus Gifts
Diane Lyons
Most of us are shifting our focus to the fast-approaching holidays. In just two weeks, Thanksgiving Day kicks off a six-week swirl of activities that marks the holiday dash to the end of the year. Somehow we'll try to fit shopping, cookie baking and gift wrapping into a full...
Use Florida Oranges to Make Your Thanksgiving Table Sparkle
Diane Lyons
Thanksgiving is America's biggest "foodie" holiday. Old family recipes get dusted off and tables are filled to groaning capacity with dish after delicious dish of succulent family favorites. At Thanksgiving American cooks seem to outdo themselves not only in the quantity and variety of the food served but in the...
A Florida Orange a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Diane Lyons
Packed with vitamins, essential minerals, disease-fighting antioxidants and fiber, Florida oranges may be even more potent than apples at safeguarding your health. Eating a juicy Florida orange every day may not protect you from every cough and sniffle, but fresh-picked Florida oranges can help your body fight off colds and disease and...
Tomorrow Is Last Day to Order for Thanksgiving Delivery
Diane Lyons
If you’re planning to surprise your holiday hostess with a Florida Orange gift basket, or if you’re hosting the family and want to have plenty of Florida Navel Oranges and Florida Fall Tangerines on hand for nutritious snacking, don’t forget to place your order today. Tomorrow — Monday, November 18 — is...